Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking

The Bio-Based Industries Joint Under­taking is a new €3.7 billion Public-Private Partner­ship bet­ween the EU and the Bio-based Industries Con­sor­tium. Opera­ting under Hori­zon 2020, it is dri­ven by the Vi­sion and Stra­tegic Inno­vation and Re­search Agen­da (SIRA) deve­loped by the indus­try.

For more infor­mation visit the web­site:

Bio-based industries consortium

The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) is the private partner in the €3.7 billion Public-Private Partnership on Bio-based Industries (BBI) with the EU.

For more information visit the website:

Community Research and development information service

The formal EU info on RoadToBio project.

For more information visit the website: