Main objective

In order to meet the societal needs and help shape the future of the industry, a roadmap is being developed which will outline a path for achieving a 25 per cent share of bio-based products in the organic chemical industry in 2030 (as compared to 10 per cent in 2016).

The definition of the 25% goal was based on the target group, the chemical industry. This states that 10% of the products were produced bio-based in 2016. This refers to the volume of the starting material used, as an analysis product based definition is not possible. (Data based on CEFIC). The roadmap is to be implemented and accepted by the chemical industry in the future. Therefore, the consortium has also decided to refer to the raw materials volume for the definition of the bio-based share as well.


Key components of the Roadmap


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RoadToBio will create

  • an overview of:
    • The current status of the bio-based portfolio of the chemical industry, and how bio-based products can compete with fossil-based ones
    • New markets (or chemical industry sectors) where bio-based feedstocks or intermediates can play a role
    • The business case of several ‘sweet spots’ (the most attractive opportunities according to the priorities of the chemical industry)


  • a series of dialogues with the chemical industry:
    • Connecting different chemical companies (both bio and fossil-based), to create support within the sector for jointly pursuing BBI targets.
    • Connecting the chemical industry with governmental organisations, to help communicate the chemical industry’s critical role as a driver of change into the bioeconomy (and the circular economy), and for the removal of regulatory hurdles.
    • Connecting the chemical industry with non-governmental organisations, to help identify societal needs and show the benefits of bio-based products, with a view to increasing public awareness and trust.


Expected Impact

RoadToBio seeks to identify new opportunities for bio-based chemicals in the following product sectors:




RoadToBio will strengthen existing bio-based value chains and aid the development of new ones by creating an interactive platform of experts, which brings together the chemical industry, civil society and governing bodies, in order to establish a dialogue on the activities needed to deliver the full potential of the roadmap.